Sunday, 15 September 2013

खोह एवं आमेर मेला २०१३

खोह एवं आमेर मेला २०१३ 

श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ, जयपुर प्रति वर्ष की भांति इस वर्ष भी खोह एवं आमेर मे मेल आयोजित करने जा रहा है.  यह मेले क्रमशः रविवार, २९ सितम्बर २०१३ एवं  ६ अक्तूबर २०१३, रविवार, को आयोजित किया जाएगा।

खोह नागोरियन जयपुर की प्राचीनतम राजधानी है जो की वर्त्तमान शहर से लगभग ५ की मी की दूरी पर स्थित है।  यहाँ श्री सुपार्श्वनाथ भगवान् का प्राचीन मंदिर स्थित है. यह मनोरम, सुरम्य वादियों से घिरा हुआ स्थल अत्यंत मनमोहक है. कछावा वंश का प्राचीन राजमहल यहाँ मंदिर के पास ही पहाड़ी के ऊपर वसा हुआ है. इस मंदिर में सम्मत शिखर तीर्थ का एक विशाल प्राचीन पत् बना हुआ है. यह अपने तर का एक मात्र तीर्थ पत् है जिसमे सभी टूकों की पूजा की जा सकती है.

रविवार, २९ सितम्बर प्रातः काल यहाँ भगवान् की पूजा पढ़ाई जाएगी एवं ध्वजारोहण भी होगा। इसके पश्चात् सधर्मी वात्सल्य का आयोजन रहेगा।

इसी प्रकार आमेर भी जयपुर की प्राचीन राजधानी रही है एवं यहाँ पर श्री चन्द्रप्रभ स्वामी भगवन के प्राचीन मंदिर में नन्दीश्वर द्वीप की पूजा पढ़ाई जायेगी। यह पूजा पिछले कई सौ वर्षों से यहाँ होती आई है. नन्दीश्वर द्वीप की सुन्दर कलाकृति युक्त काष्ठमय रचना बनी हुई है जिसमे अरिहंत परमात्मा की ५२ मूर्तियाँ विराजमान कर यह पूजा की जाती है. यह जयपुर जैन समाज का प्राचीनतम मेल है जिसमे श्वेताम्बर समुदाय के सभी वर्ग मूर्तिपूजक, स्थानकवासी, तेरापंथ आदि सभी भाग लेते हैं.

 ६ अक्तूबर २०१३, रविवार, को आयोजित होने वाले इस मेले में पूजा, ध्वजारोहण भी होग. कार्यक्रम के पश्चात साधर्मी वात्सल्य का आयोजन किया गया है.

उपरोक्त दोनों मेले प् पू महोपाध्याय ललितप्रभ सागर- चन्द्रप्रभ सागर जी महाराज की निश्रा में संपन्न होगा। सभी साधर्मी वन्धुओं से लाभ लेने की विनती है.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Mediclaim Health insurance for Jaipur Khartar members

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur has been facilitating Mediclaim for their members. It is well known fact that medical bills are expensive nowadays and large numbers of people can not afford it. Common people find themselves helpless when hospitalized for major illness. Mediclaim (Health insurance) is one stop solution for medical bills.

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur has initiated unique project to facilitate their members who can not afford health insurance. Members, who do not have a health insurance can apply for their mediclaim. One has to pay only Rs. 500/ and rest of the amount will be paid by the Sangh. The member or his family will have a health insurance covering Rs. one lakh. It will be a cashless facility and most of the major hospitals in Jaipur (and India) are covered under this scheme.

A seven persons' committee is formed to look after the matter. Sri Prakash Chhajer is convener of the committee and Sri Nirmal Kumar Jain is co-convener. Khartar Gachh, Jaipur members are requested to contact Mr. Jain 9828125501 to have their health insurance.

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur has been taking innovative projects since last three years to facilitate their members and the community at large. This is the newest one. Please get cover of health insurance, Mediclaim through Sangh at very low cost.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Jain festival Paryushan observed with great enthusiasm

Paryushan 2013 News Jaipur
Paryushan, The Daily News, Jaipur, September 9
Jain festival Paryushan has been observed with great enthusiasm at Shivjiram Bhavan, Jaipur between September 2 to 9, 2013. Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur organized the event in the auspices of great orator saints PP Mahopadhyay Lalitprabh - Chandraprabh Sagar Ji Maharaj Sahab. Digambar Jain Muni Tarunsagar Ji Maharaj had also graced the occasion with his presence. It happened first time in the history that a Digambar Jain ascetic has delivered his speech in Swetambar Paryushan showing Jain unity. PP Suresh Muni Ji Maharaj of Terapanth Sangh also joined the event.

Thousands of spectators listened to Pravachan of great orator saints PP Mahopadhyay Lalitprabh - Chandraprabh Sagar Ji Maharaj Sahab every day during Paryushan. 14 auspicious dreams of Trishala Mata were brought forth on the occasion of Janma Vanchan. There were Bhakti Sandhya on the eve of Pustak Ji and Janam. A play about Rishabhdev was also organized during cultural night.

PP Lalitprabh Sagar Ji Maharaj Sahab chanted the whole Kalpasutra (Barsa Sutra) in the morning session on Samvatsari (September 9, 2013). Chaitya Paripati was followed by the Vanchan. All laymen and laywomen (Shravak- Shravika) participated in Samvatsarik Pratikraman in the evening and observed the holy event of forgiveness.

We apologize anyone and everyone whom we have hurt by any means during the past year. Michchhami Dukkadam.

मिच्छामि दुक्कडम।

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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