Friday, 30 August 2013

Sign Petition for Religious minority status for Jain community

Sign Petition for Religious minority status for Jain community

Dear Sir,
Jai Jinendra. I've started the petition to  "Government of Rajasthan: Declare Jain as religious minority" and need your help to get it off the ground. Pl  sign the petition and forward this mail to your Jain friends and family to support it. Your cooperation can only build pressure on the government to serve the purpose.

Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:

Here's why it's important:
This is an important petition for Jain community. Please support this.

Jain is an independent religion. Population of the community in India is less than 2 percent of total population. Indian constitution allows minority status for a religious community with less than 20% population. Several states likes of UP, MP, Bihar, Jharkhand and recently Punjab have declared religious minority status for Jain.

Sri Ashok Gehlot, Chief minister of Rajasthan himself told in a public meeting that he desires to provide minority status for Jain. However, it is not yet been declared.

Jain is a peaceful community and contributes major share in National GDP. They have lion's share in social and charitable work. The community is demanding minority status to save their social organizations and religious institutions.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.

You can sign my petition  by clicking here.


Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Jain unity in Paryushan at Shivjiram Bhavan, Jaipur

Paryushan 2013 program Jain unity
Jain Unity in Paryushan 2013 Program poster 

Jain unity in Paryushan at Shivjiram Bhavan, Jaipur

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachh Sangh, Jaipur is pioneering Jain unity in observing Paryushan this year 2013. PP Mahopadhyay Sri Lalitprabh Sagar Ji, Chandraprabh Sagar Ji and Shantipriya Sagar ji Maharaj.are observing their chaturmas under the banner of Khartar Sangh. They have been delivering their discourses at SMS ground since July 21 along with Digambar Jain saint Tarunsagarji Maharaj. This is the best effort made by anyone at any place for Jain unity.

Khartar Gachchh Sangh is further extending the agenda of Jain unity by inviting other Shwetambar and Digambar Jain ascetics during holy festival of Paryushan 2013 being organized between September 2 to 9, Digambar Jain saint Tarunsagarji Maharaj has already consented to join the festival at Shivji Ram Bhavan, HQ of the Sangh. He will be here on the first and last day of Paryushan

Another Digambar Jain ascetic Balacharya Sri Siddhasen Ji Maharaj pupil of Acharya Sri Bahubali ji Maharaj will join us on September 4 and 5 along with two Aryika  Mataji (female ascetics). Sri Suresh Muni, Swetambar Jain Terapanth sect, will bless the Paryushan at Shivjiram Bhavan on September 3. Poojya Sadhvi Sri Narendra Sri Ji Maharaj of Tapagachchh has consented to join us on September 6. We are in touch with few other Jain ascetics observing Chaturmas in Jaipur to invite them in Paryushan 2013 this year. 

We wish more and more Jain ascetics from different Jain sects will join us on Paryushan showing Jain unity, the very purpose of the whole program. Paryushan is the festival of forgiveness which increases compassionate love among all creatures. Jain ascetics are symbol of Kshama and Karuna. Hence, uniting Jain saints together will definitely propagate love and compassion in the whole world.  

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachh Sangh, Jaipur has been putting efforts towards Jain unity during Paryushan and during the whole Chaturmas this year. We hope, other Sanghs in India and worldwide will join the campaign and work for Jain unity. We also believe that Jain ascetics, Poojya Acharya, Upadhyay, Sadhu and Sadhvi Ji maharaj belonging to all Jain sects can play a vital role in propagating Jain unity. It will further strengthen our religious, spiritual and social status.  

Let us hope for the best in this Paryushan and Chaturmas.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Parushan at Shivjiram Bhavan from September 2 to 9

 Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachh Sangh, Jaipur has been organizing Paryushan between September 2 to 9, 2013 under the auspieces of PP Mahopadhyay Sri Lalitprabh Sagar Ji, Chandraprabh Sagar Ji Maharaj. 
Digambar Jain Muni Tarunsagar ji Maharaj and many other Swetambar and Digambar Jain ascetics will also come to Shivjiram Bhavan showing Jain unity

Smt. Nirmala Poongalia will hoist flag on 2nd morning to start the program. Sri Manak Ji Kala, convener, Samagr Jain Chaturmas Samiti will be the guest in chief. Ashtanhika Pravachan will be delivered that morning and the next day. Sri Jain Yuva Parishad will organize a devotional song night on 4th on the eve of Pustakji. Swapnavataran (14 dreams of mother Trishala) and Janma Vanchan will be on September 6.  There will be Ratri Jagaran on that night sponsored by Sri Kushal Chand Vimal Chand Prakash Chand Surana. Samvatsari will be celebrated on September 9 with Mool Kalpasutra Vanchan, Chaitya Paripati and Samvatsarik Pratikraman. 

Sri Lalitprabh Sagar Ji and Chandraprabh Sagar Ji are great orators and thousands of people are enjoying their discourses at SMS Investment ground since July 21. It will be a great experience for all devotees to listen Kalpasutra, great Jain canon from them.  

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachh Sangh, Jaipur will arrange for food and lodging for devotees coming from outside Jaipur. All are cordially invited.

View in Hindi

शिवजीराम भवन में पर्युषण २ से ९ सितम्बर २०१३ तक

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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शिवजीराम भवन में पर्युषण २ से ९ सितम्बर २०१३ तक

Paryushan Jaipur Khartar invitation
पर्युषण पत्रिका

Jain Paryushan festival of purification of soul
आत्मशुद्धि का पर्व पर्युषण

Paryushan program Shivjiram Bhavan September 2 to 6
पर्युषण कार्यक्रम शिवजीराम भवन ,जयपुर १

Paryushan program Shivjiram Bhavan September 7 to 9
पर्युषण कार्यक्रम शिवजीराम भवन ,जयपुर २ 

शिवजीराम भवन में २ से ९ सितम्बर २०१३ तक प् पू  स्व आचार्य श्री कान्तिसागर सुरिश्वर जी म सा के सुशिष्य प् पू  राष्ट्रसंत महोपाध्याय श्री ललितप्रभ सागर जी  म सा, प् पू  श्री चन्द्रप्रभ सागर जी  म सा,  प् पू  श्री शांतिप्रिय सागर जी  म सा के सान्निध्य  में पर्युषण पर्व की आराधना होगी। इस अवसर पर दिगंबर जैन मुनि  प् पू  श्री तरुणसागर जी  म सा भी पधारेंगे।

इस वर्ष श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतरगच्छ संघ, जयपुर ने ऐतिहासिक कदम उठाते हुए श्वेताम्बर- दिगंबर जैन संतों का एक साथ प्रवेश एवं एक मंच पर २१ जुलाई से १ सितम्बर तक प्रवचन का कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया। समग्र जैन समाज के ध्वज तले यह कार्यक्रम आयोजित हुआ.  जैन एकता के इस ऐतिहासिक कार्यक्रम की सर्वत्र सराहना हुई है एवं देश भर के मीडिया ने इसे प्रमुखता से स्थान  दिया है. उपरोक्त चारों जैन साधुओं की निश्रा में ही यह संभव हो पाया।

पर्युषण के प्रथम दिन २ सितम्बर को श्रीमती निर्मला जी पूंगलिया झंडारोहन कर कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ करेंगी। मुख्य अतिथि समग्र जैन चातुर्मास समिति के संयोजक श्री मानक जी काला होङ्गे. ३ सितम्बर को रात्रि में पुस्तक जी का जागरण होगा जिसके लाभार्थी श्री जैन युवा परिषद् होंगे। ४ तारीख को पुस्तक जी का जुलुश  आएगा उसी दिन द्वितीय दादागुरु मणिधारी श्री जिन चन्द्र सूरी का स्वर्गारोहण दिवस मनाया जाएगा।  ५ सितम्बर को श्रीमद देवचंद जी जयंती मनाई जायेगी व सायंकाल पाक्षिक प्रतिक्रमण होगा। त्रिशला माता के चौदह स्वप्नों को ६ सितम्बर सुबह उतारा जाएगा तत्पश्चात जन्म वांचन होगा। रात्रि में पालना जी का जागरण होगा जिसके लाभार्थी श्री कुशल चंद जी विमल चंद जी प्रकाश चंद जी सुराना होंगे।  ७ तारीख की साम श्री ज्ञान विचक्षण महिला मंडल द्वारा सांस्कृतिक संध्या आयोजित होगी होगी। ९ तारीख को मूल कल्पसूत्र का वांचन एवं चैत्य परिपाटी निकली जाएगी।

 पर्युषण पर्व में प्रथम दो दिन अस्टान्हिका एवं बाद के पांच दिन कल्पसूत्र का हिंदी में वांचन होगा।  प्रति दिन सुबह साम प्रतिक्रमण एवं  क्रियाएं यथा अवसर आयोजित होंगे। बाहर से पधारने वाले यात्रिओं के ठहरने एवं भोजन की समुचित व्यवस्था है.

प् पू  राष्ट्रसंत महोपाध्याय श्री ललितप्रभ सागर जी  म सा, प् पू  श्री चन्द्रप्रभ सागर जी  म सा विशिष्ट कोटि के प्रवचनकार हैं जिनकी सभा में हजारों लोग प्रति दिन श्रोता के रूप में उपस्थित रहते हैं. आप लोगों का पर्युषण प्रवचन जन जन के आकर्षण का केंद्र होगा।

श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतरगच्छ संघ, जयपुर उपरोक्त सभी कार्यक्रमों में श्रद्धालुओं को सदर आमंत्रित करते हुए सभी से लाभ लेने हेतु विनती करता है. कृपया पधार कर जिनशासन की शोभा में अभिवृद्धि करें।

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Monday, 12 August 2013

Prof Subhash Jain IOWA university visited Jain research Center

Prof Subhash Jain retired from  IOWA university, USA visited Jain research and study Center run by Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur. He visited the center on August 10, 2013, Saturday.

Prof Subhash Jain was teaching Engineering at IOWA University and started studying Jainism after retirement. Presently he is studying Jain Karma doctrine and interfacing Karma doctrine in modern context. This is a herculean task as Jain philosophy has huge texts about the same. Both Shwetambar and Digambar communities produced large canons about Karma.

Most popular among all Shwetambar texts are Karma Granth part 1 to 6 by Devendra Suri where as most popular Digambar texts are from Gommatsara. There are large volumes in other Jain texts such as fifth Agam Bhagwati Sutra (Vyakhya Prajnyapti), Vipaka Sutra, Kammapayadi etc. Prof Jain has been studying all these to describe in modern context.

There are illustrations of several canons and texts including that of Vipaka Sutra and Tatvartha Sutra. Large numbers of Acharya, ascetics and other scholars wrote large volumes describing complete methodologies. Jainism has explicitly and critically documented almost everything about Karma doctrine.

Prof Subhash Jain has visited Jain research and study Center, Jaipur to see books in the library and to discuss issues with scholars. He stayed here for about four hours discussing Karma doctrine. He also delivered a lecture on the same topic on Friday at Prakrit Bharti academy.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

List of Dadabadi in India

List of Dadabadi in India

Four Dadagurudevas, namely Jin Dutt Suri, Manidhari Jin Chandra Suri, Jin Kushal Suri and Sri  Jin Chandra Suri are great Acharyas of Shwetambar Jain community belonging to Khartar Gachchh sect. Devotees have built Dadabadis of these Dadagurudevas to show gratitude towards the reverends and to worship them. There are thousands of Dadabadis spread all over India. These are treasure of our rich heritage. However, there is no data base about these Dadabadis available till date.

Akhil Bharatiya Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachh Mahasangh  has decided to create a list of Jain Dadabadis in India and requested Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur to implement this project. We are in process of developing Dadabadi list and requesting everyone to provide relevant information. We have written a blog post earlier about the same. 

Sri Anil Kothari, Amalner, Maharashtra visited Jaipur today and provided a list of Dadabadi adjoining to his place Amalner. I am mentioning those here with thanks to him.

1. Sri Vasupoojya Jain Mandir and Dadabadi

New plot, Amalner, Dist. Jalgaon
PIN 425401
09422233671 (M)

2. Sri Jain Dadabadi,

PO Malkapur
Dist. Nandura, Maharashtra

3. Sri Jain Dadabadi,

Near Railway station, 
PO Dondaicha
Dist. Dhulia,  Maharashtra

4. Sri Jain Dadabadi,

40 Gaon road,
PO Dhulia

5. Sri Jain Dadabadi,

Mohida road,
PO Shahada
Dist. Nandurwar, Maharashtra

6.  Sri Jain Dadabadi,

Main road, 
PO Nandurwar
Dist. Nandurwar, Maharashtra

7. Sri Jain Dadabadi,

Highway road,
Po Jalgaon

List Provided by Sri Surendra Jain (Editor, Good Morning India)

8. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
Vijaynagar road,
PO Beawar
Dist. Ajmer (Rajasthan)

9. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
Beawar road
PO Vijaynagar
Dist. Ajmer (Rajasthan)

10. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
Kishangarh highway,
PO Rupangarh 
Dist. Ajmer (Rajasthan)

11. Sri Jin Dutt Suri Jain Dadabadi,
Shrimalon ka mohalla,
PO Jhunjhunu
Dist. Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan)

11. Sri Jin Kushal Suri Jain Dadabadi,
Amarsar, Tehsil- Chomu
Dist. Jaipur (Rajasthan)

12. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
PO Fatehpur
Dist. Sikar (Rajasthan)

13. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
Malpura Road,
PO Todaraisingh
Dist. Tonk (Rajasthan)

14. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
Hanuman Chouraha
PO Bhilwara
Dist. Bhilwara (Rajasthan)

15. Sri Jain Dadabadi,
PO Dausa
Dist. Dausa (Rajasthan)

Pl inform us about Jain Dadabadis nearby your place and help us develop a list of Jain Dadabadis. Please provide with as much information as you have. We will be thankful to you. You will be doing a great service to the community by doing this. Your little effort will fetch blessings from Dadagurudev.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Mobile app for Malpura live Aarati launched

Mobile app for Malpura live Aarati has been launched by Sri Rikhabchand Jharchur, Mahasangh President on August 4, 2013 at Malpura. Everybody knows that this era is an Information technology age and all organizations need IT support to propagate their activities. Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur is a large organization performing religious and social activities. This is a live and active organization and its activities require global exposure. 

Sri Jin Kushal Suri Dadabadi, Malpura is a famous pilgrimage center renowned worldwide. Large numbers of devotees visit Malpura to pay homage to reverend Dadagurudev. They are keen in Dadaguru Aarati. This Android app will facilitate them viewing Dadaguru Arati staying at their own place. 

This Android application developed for mobile phones is at tasting faze and require your suggestions to improve it. It may not be compatible with several mobile devices as different devices have different configurations. We are trying to make it compatible with maximum numbers of devices. In case, there is a problem pl contact developers at

There are several other information in this application. We are updating all these info and hope that soon we will be able to provide all relevant info about Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur.

We also solicit your suggestions for its design, viewing etc to improve this mobile app.  Download Malpura Aarti mobile app from Google play store.

You know, we are developing an ecology park to bring awareness about environment at Sri Jin Kushal Suri Dadabadi premises at Malpura. Office bearers and executives of Akhil Bharatiya Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh visited Malpura along with representatives of various other Khartar Sangh from India wide to participate in Amrit Manthan Sabha (August 3 and 4, 2013). All these representatives participated in plantation program at ecology park. This was a great event towards environmental awareness.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.


Malpura hosted Khartar Gachh Mahasangh conference

Khartar Gachchh sangh Jaipur felicitating Khartar Gachh Mahasangh President
Prakash Banthia, Convener, Malpura Dadabadi felicitating Mahasangh President

Khartar Gachh representatives attending Amrit Manthan Sabha at Malpura
Khartar Gachh representatives attending Amrit Manthan Sabha at Malpura

Mahasangh president launched Khartar Panchang developer Darshan Kothari
Sri Rikhab Jharchur launching Khartar Gachchh Panchang app

Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur hosted Khartar Gachh Mahasangh conference (Amrit Manthan Sabha) at Malpura Dadabadi on August 3 and 4, 2013. Representatives from different parts of India attended the conference and discussed on various relevant issues regarding Khartar Gachchh and role of Mahasangh.

Earlier, Akhil Bharatiya Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachh Mahasangh showed their intention to organize a Chintan Shivir to initiate thought process about several current issues. Rikhab Chand Jharchur, Maqhasangh President discussed about the event and hosting the conference. Khartar Sangh, Jaipur promptly consented to host this at Malpura Dadabadi.

Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur arranged for food, accommodation, conference hall and other necessary facilities for representatives joining from all over India. Office- bearers and ex office bearers, executive members of Mahasangh, President, Secretaries and other authorized representatives from various local Sanghs attended the conference and participated in discussions. There were representatives from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Indore, Raipur, Jaipur, Barmer, Jodhpur, Jalgaon and many other cities and villages. It was truly pan-Indian. The conference was blessed by PP acharya Sri Kailash Sagar Surishwar Ji Maharaj and other Khartar Gachh ascetics They discussed six major issues in six long sessions and have come to unanimous conclusions.

All these conclusions were announced by Sri Vimal Chand Surana, Amrit Manthan Sabha (Chintan Shivir) President before the house at the end of each session. These were endorsed by the house unanimously. All the conclusions were again announced at the valedictory session by the Shivir President.

A mobile application of Khartar Gachh Panchang developed by Vardhaman Infotech on behalf of Mahasangh was also launched during second working session. Download Khartar Panchang from Google play store.

Jyoti Kothari, Convener, Amrit Manthan Sabha conducted all working sessions.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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